S2 Episode #5💛 Beth Kempton: “We're being called to show up with the soul of a therapist and the heart of an activist." [32-min listen]

“We are at a point in time when we can choose to stay quiet or stand up. We can choose to try and retrieve the status quo or to try something different that serves us and serves other people."

- Beth Kempton


We each have our own way of dealing with the Corona virus, and today’s inspiring guest reacted to the global pandemic by writing a book designed to help the rest of us cope better.

Beth Kempton is an award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling self-help author whose books, including Freedom SeekerWabi Sabi and her new title We Are In This Together, have been translated into 24 languages and recommended by the likes of Time Magazine, Psychologies and British Vogue.

She’s a Reiki Master and life coach, as well as a Japanologist who teaches about writing and living well.

Beth is also someone who has consciously and thoughtfully designed a slow life for her and her family on the Devon coast, and through her coaching company, Do What You Love, has helped tens of thousands of people to navigate change and reconfigure their lives to be happier.

In this conversation we cover:

*why going back to 'normal' isn’t something to aspire to

*the Wabi Sabi philosophy that everything is impermanent

*how making peace with change can open up a new world of possibilities

*the yin and yang energy of the great slow down due to the pandemic and the powerful uprising of the Black Lives Matter movement

*how words and writing can be heal in a crisis

*why anxiety right now is completely normal

*how we must create space in our lives to let good things come in

*the power of asking ourselves: what if this is happening FOR me not TO me?

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